Write the Docs Community Update - September 2020

Hey there documentarians!

The newsletter team is taking September off as usual, but there’s still plenty going on in the community. This update covers what else is going on behind the scenes while they take a much deserved break.

We’re looking forward to seeing everyone online for our Prague on October 18-20 in the CEST timezone. We’re also getting excited about our upcoming Australia & India conference on December 3-4 in the AEDT timezone. The talks were just announced for the Prague conference, we’ll be publishing more information about the speakers for the Australia & India conference by the end of the month.

We also just recently wrapped up our first online Portland conference. We had around 600 people join us to make this another memorable event. The videos from the conference are now available online.

Salary Survey

We have now launched our 2020 Salary Survey. We were amazed by the response to our Salary Survey last year, with 650 responses and a lot of interesting data that came out of it.

This annual survey, run by the Write the Docs community, aims to gather data about salaries for people working in documentation and related fields around the world. Results of the inaugural survey are available on the our website.

We hope that this data can help our community members determine what appropriate salary ranges are, and provide a benchmark for future employment-related decisions and negotiations. Additionally, we’re hoping the results spark discussion of employment-related trends and issues in our industry, including but not limited to the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The survey is divided into 5 sections. It should take between 5 and 10 minutes to complete, so we hope that you’ll fill it out.

Community Shout Out

The numbers of activities going on in the Write the Docs community grows each year. Most of these are organized and run primarily by volunteers, and we wanted to take the time to show appreciation for these folks. While we can’t mention every member of our extremely welcoming community, we want to show particular appreciation for folks who are working behind the scenes.

Newsletter Team

First up, as seems fitting, is our Newsletter team. Y’all probably know Beth, who is our editor, but there is an entire group writing the articles each month. These folks are responsible for making this newsletter happen each month:

Moderation Team

Next are our Slack moderators. They do a ton of work to make sure the Slack network stays a welcoming place and people feel good about interacting:

Meetup Coordination Team

There are too many meetup organizers to list across our lovely community. Y’all get to know them at each meetup that you go to, but behind the scenes there are folks who are doing coordination to make our meetup community stronger. That is the job of the meetup coordination team, and our meetups wouldn’t be as useful without them:

Support Team

This team is responsible for answering all the various emails that get sent to us at Write the Docs. There have been 773 emails so far this year, so this is a huge ongoing task done by these folks:


Thanks again for subscribing to our newsletter and being a member of our community. We hope to see you soon at one of our online events, on our slack, or continue to see you here via this newsletter.

You can always reply to this email if you have any questions or comments. Stay tuned for another newsletter update next month!